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The Case for Hiring a Consultant

Save time and money - the benefits of hiring a consultant.

Why the benefits ultimately outweigh the costs.

You are constantly faced with hiring decisions that revolve around the choice to hire in-house, outsource critical tasks or bear the brunt of the work yourself. The recent COVID-19 crisis only complicated these choices, making any decision to spend money even more critical.

Trying to do it all with a small budget and tight margins, as we continue to face uncertainty related to the coronavirus, is stressful, and hiring in-house is likely not an ideal option at this moment in time. That’s one reason you should consider the alternative of hiring a consultant or freelancer.

How a Consultant’s Skillset Supports Your Business

When you imagine outsourcing specific tasks on your to-do list, you want to ensure that you’re choosing those items that will help you realize the greatest ROI. Make a consultant count by figuring out how their expertise can elevate your brand without the expenditure associated with a new, full-time hire.

To give you some ideas, we believe a consultant can prove most effective in the following instances:

  • When you have short-term projects that your staff doesn’t have the time or expertise to tackle;
  • When an employee parts ways with your company, leaving you unexpectedly understaffed;
  • When new competitors move in and challenge the way you’ve done things to date;
  • When you haven’t had time to do the strategic planning required to elevate your business and push the boundaries of what you can achieve.

Those are just a few of the most common reasons our clients have reached out to us; we’re confident there are plenty more. The point is, whatever you’re struggling to complete because of time or expertise, a consultant can step in with the assist.

The benefits that follow might seem obvious but cannot be overstated. By hiring an experienced consultant:

  • As any marketer will tell you, there is never a shortage of good ideas. There is generally a lack of understanding of how to best execute.
  • You’re going to be able to leverage years of experience and expertise you might not have.
  • You won’t take on the financial stress associated with onboarding, a new employee and the large salary and benefits that come with commensurate experience and expertise.
  • While your consultant focuses strictly on the project you assign, you can focus on all the other demands that come with running your business.
  • By leveraging the experience a consultant brings, you can also access the relationships and connections from their network, diversifying and deepening the talent pool in yours.
  • You get a fresh perspective and objectivity that can prove invaluable to advance a project.

If any or all of those scenarios and benefits sound enticing, don’t delay any longer. Give us a call for a no-obligation consultation and let us introduce you to Sebright Marketing Solutions.

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